Rakman engineering Limited equal opportunities policy is to strive to ensure that no resident, tenant, day attendee, volunteer, staff member or applicant receives less favourable treatment in employment or the provision of services on the grounds of physical or mental disability, sex, gender reassignment, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age or religion.

The context of this equal opportunities policy lies within our principles of:

Rakman engineering Limited aims to be an inclusive organisation where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, and where there is equal opportunity for all. Rakman engineering Limited respects and values the diversity of its entire work force.

This means that all Rakman Engineering Limited staff should understand and respect that there is a diverse work force and user community and that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and equality. This includes the legal and ethical requirement for Rakman Engineering Limited to provide electrical services and conditions of employment that are appropriate to the needs of a diverse society. Rakman engineering Limited will tackle barriers to participation and create a culture in which equal opportunities and equal treatment are priority for all staff and users. In the recruitment, training, pay and management of staff, and in all our day-to-day work with both colleagues and users, we seek to create an environment where attitudes and biases that hinder the progress of individuals and groups are dismantled and where we work together in mutual respect and tolerance.This policy forms the basis of all interactions within Rakman engineering Limited, including recruitment, staff development and service delivery. Rakman Engineering Limited is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to developing, maintaining and supporting a policy of equal opportunities in employment.